Maple Leaf Rag
The Entertainer
Black and White Rag
The Chrysanthemum
The Ragtime Dance
Dill Pickles
Creole Belles
Elite Syncopations
(10) Pleasant Moments (col)
Original Rags
Scott Joplin's New Rag
Heliotrope Bouquet
(14) Kinklets
Dusty Rag
St. Louis Tickle
The Cascades
Reindeer Rag
(19) Memories Of You
A Ragtime Nightmare
Cleopatra Rag
(22) African Pas
Ballin' The Jack
(24) Someday Sweetheart
Mamma's Baby Boy
(27) Kansas City Blues
Sun Flower Slow Drag
Euphonic Sounds |
(31) Climax Rag
(22) Trombonium (missing!)
(33) High Society
My Maryland
Pretty Baby
Fizz Water
The Chevy Chase
Oh, You Beautiful Doll
At A Georgia Campmeeting
Sister Kate
(43) Bandana Days
(45) Kiss Me Sweet
(46) Sensation
Purple Rose Of Cairo
The Minstrel Man
Grace And Beauty
Shuffle Along - Medley
That Eccentric Rag
Pine Apple Rag
Pastime Rag No. 5
(56) Aida - Triumphmarsch
Dallas Blues
(58) The Sheik Of Araby
(59) Ragtime Drummer
(60) The Moose
Treemonisha - Szenen und
Motive (mit Lilos Puppenbühne)
Kitten On The Keys
(Piano Solo)
Smoky Mokes
The Easy Winners
(63) Sunburst Rag
Magnetic Rag
Frog Legs Rag
Ophelia Rag
(67) New Orleans Hop Scop Blues
(68) Gipsy Blues
(69) Hilarity Rag
(70) Charleston Rag
(71) Poor Katie Redd
Alexander's Ragtime Band
Bink's Waltz (col)
(75) Bouclaire
(76) Treemonisha Medley
(77) Rag No. 622
That Teasin´ Rag
(79) Shake It And Break It
After You´ve Gone
(81) Down In Honky Tonky Town
(82) Wild Cat Blues
(84) Peacherine Rag
(85) Negro Rhapsodie No. 1
(86) Poet and Peasant
(87) Mamma's Gone Good-Bye
(88) Moonlight Bay
You Tell Me Your Dreams
Blame It On the Blues
(91) St. Louis Blues
(92) Wall Street Rag
(93) Temptation Rag